Glencairn vs Rocks Glass.
Since starting this whisky tasting project through learning and honing my skills at sniffing and tasting whisky I have also started to dislike the Glencairn glass. But I feel guilty saying this. The Glencairn glass is great. It is scientifically designed for optimal experience to properly nose and taste the whisky inside. The design is very elegantly shaped like a tulip so that you can easily see the colour of the whisky. But here is my problem. When handling the glass, I feel like it does not fit comfortably in my hand. I can cradle it with the stem between my pinky and ring finger and it feels supported but dainty. With my thumb and index finger on opposite sides of the tapered mouth, it just does not feel right in my hand. Here is where I begin to have an issue with the glass. When I raise it to my face, I must choose whether I want to sniff the aromas or sip the golden liquid. It is not like I have a huge nose I just find with a diameter of 2 inches it just does not fit my face right. It is very difficult to sniff and accept the spirit into my mouth at the same time, so I am forced to do it separately. This is not a bad thing because when doing it separately it helps focus attention to the different characteristics of the whisky at hand. Therefore, I much prefer the double rocks glass. With a larger 3.5-inch diameter there is plenty of room to get my whole face into the drink. With the bigger glass there is also enough room for a 2 ounce pour over a large ice cube, which is my preferred way of drinking whisky. I also love with the rocks glass you can sip or gulp your whisky because let us face it whisky is supposed to burn a little. With the high proof heat or the burst of spice and wood the whiskies warming effects are part of the enjoyment. Now I am not hating on the Glencairn glass do not get me wrong it has its purposes for tasting and assessing whisky. I will continue to use it while writing my whisky report cards. I will not be getting rid of it any time soon. But when I am sitting at home with a dram and a cigar you better believe it will be in a rocks glass that I can wrap my hand around and feel the heaviness in my hand. The way I see it is if we are paying for these fine spirits, we should be enjoying them the way we choose. CHEERS!